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Jack Burton

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Jack Burton last won the day on August 16 2022

Jack Burton had the most liked content!


1,559 Appetite for Destruction

1 Follower

About Jack Burton

  • Birthday 05/29/1990

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  1. I'm so fuckin hyped for this. Been running NCAA 14 on my old 360 for far too long.
  2. Any nipslips from the REha/becky cringe match?
  3. Be the change you want to see in the world, Borki.
  4. Peter Griffin seems to have lost his glasses in the sea, over on the left hand side there.
  5. I may or may not have looked up nude pics of her after the movie was over...
  6. Watched Silence of the Lambs last night. Love that movie. Got about halfway through Hannibal before i had to go to bed. Not nearly as good as SotL, but I still like it.
  7. This is what was considered a great big fat person in just 1991. My, how far standards have fallen. Buffalo Bill would have a huge pool to pick from these days.
  8. Wish they gave him a german accent, but that's a pretty neat bit of technology.
  9. I liked this movie when I watched it a few years ago, but agree it could have been better than it was. The story was good and interesting, but I remember the pacing being kind of all over the place.
  10. Even the women in the 2 pics who aren't the main, severely morbidly obese whale focal points would have been considered fat as fuck 40 years ago.
  11. I'd agree that it would be hard to call him anything other than a scumbag dictator, I just think the fact he was born in and came up through the USSR while it existed, doesn't necessarily mean he wants to turn Russia back into a total commie shithole. I grew up in an America that has increasingly leaned into a being progressive dung heap in a lot of ways, but if I were to come into power as president I wouldn't want to keep up with the progressive tranny/downzy clown show, just because that is what came before. I would have had to have come up in and gone through the progressive dung heap, because that's the system of my country, to no fault or choice of my own. That doesn't mean that's what i want to maintain or go back to, necessarily. I think that may have been one of the things that Monkey/Facekicker have been trying to get across. I agree with Monkey and Facekicker in the sense that, other than him being a totalitarian dictator, he is an elite and autistically educated statesman and knows (and displayed in the interview) the history of his country and region in a way no America or western leader has in generations, especially in relation to the current Ukraine conflict. That doesn't mean that the Russia/Ukraine war is justified or not, but I can understand what his goal is and why he did it. In any regard, I don't have any stake in the game with russia/ukraine other than my tax dollars going towards it. I don't care what happens across the ocean, and the EU should be paying for it if they're so worried about it. It's in their backyard and we have enough shit to worry about state-side. Same goes for Israel/Hamas. Fuck them niggas. Plus Ukraine is still corrupt as shit and Zelensky canceled the elections.
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