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Mr. Wolf

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29 Live ?!*@ Like a Suicide

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  1. I didn't say that. I haven't heard anything from that article in months. I guess it's coming out.
  2. The last fatcast episodes have been amazing. Great job @FATAD @Bill Brasky @GnRLiars and the rest of the crew.
  3. Fucking great film!
  4. Holy shit Caram has outdone himself. Absurd live from the EP sounds hilariously bad.
  5. Morrison Hotel is such a great record.
  6. Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley. Great read, fundamental to understabd the times we're living. Industrial Society and its future, by Ted Kacynski (the unabomber). Unironically based. His thesis are surprisingly sound and interesting to reflect on.
  7. I missed this place 

    Thank you @Dadudand @Haters Gonna Hate :pepepray:

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