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5,275 "The Spaghetti Incident?"

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  1. I was slow getting into Power of Dog but The Cartel and The Border fly.
  2. I think I read The Force. Have you read The Cartel series? Power of the Dog The Cartel The Border it's basically Narcos/Sicario the books. He also did Savages which Stone made into a not perfect movie. Joseph Wambough's Hollywood Hills series is also really good, like The Wire or Southlands tv show. Cops on the street. The Blue Knight is a stand alone but Hollywood Hills series is great like reading a tv show of wacky corrupt cops. Also like James Ellroy. People like LA Quartet (Black Dalia, LA Confidential) but Underworld USA Trilogy is really good for that JFK/Oswald era. He's working on another WWII based LA series, Perfidia is one. This Storm I haven't read.
  3. Carry-on (2024) Pretty great action movie, you almost din't see how woke it is. It's fair balance between 80s style and the end of life as we know it.
  4. Assassin's Creed 2 - Enzio Collection. When gameplay and graphics were things we cared about.
  5. I think a lot of people are raised in a christian culture without even realizing. Most of our values are coming from the bible or the 10 commandants which most people would agree with in principle. And a lot of that is spread through literature and movies, it's maybe more like a shared culture but it's based in Christianity for the most part. You can even see it in how rock stars have this messiah complex or they want to be righteous. Maybe that's a bad thing but I can see where it doesn't always change a lot just because you make a more overt statement of declaring your religion or working out what you believe. If you go to the middle east you'll be damn I'm pretty christian. I know about christmas and jesus or whatever, those stories, even children's bible stuff I remember. I know exactly nothing about other religions, other than things from school and some Buddhist ideas. We used to say the Lord's Prayer before dinner at school. Cabbage again. Seconds of custard.
  6. .PIR .died hcnyL DivaD
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